School / University Placement Booking Form

Please complete the booking form below and send the following supporting documents to

  • Academic records and reports
  • Course completion certificates (if applicable)
  • CV or education history
  • Referee’s contact details (school and undergraduate applicants: 1 academic referee, postgraduate applicants: 1 academic and 1 professional referee)
  • Personal Statement (a draft version is ok at this stage)
  • IELTS certificate or equivalent
  • Copy of your passport and BRP card or UK visa (if applicable)
Placement Booking Form


Name of exam, date taken, results

You can choose more than one

Fill in this section if you are under 18


Terms and Conditions for School Application Guidance

This Agreement is made and entered into by and between UKGuardianship (“UKG”) and the student (“the Student”) or the legal guardian of the student (“the Parent”), with the mutual objective of providing school or university application guidance services for private primary and secondary schools or universities as agreed. Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

1. Application Guidance Process
1.1. Stage One: A service management fee of £300 shall be paid, covering the first consultation, which will last 45 minutes to 1 hour.
1.2. Stage Two: Payment of the remaining balance.
1.3. Stage Three: UKG will provide the client with a selection of 5-7 schools or universities. The Student may apply to up to 3 private schools or 5 universities. The final selection of the private school or university must be mutually agreed upon by the Student/Parent and UKG.
1.4. Stage Four: Upon receiving an offer from any of the applied private schools or universities, the service shall be deemed successfully completed.
1.5. UKG will assist the client in obtaining unconditional offers, guidance on deposit and tuition fee payments, and obtaining visa sponsorship letters.
1.6. If required, the Student may commission UKG to handle visa applications, accommodation arrangements, transfers, and guardianship services for younger students, with additional fees applying.

2. Fees
2.1. The remaining balance must be paid in full upon signing the contract.
2.2. If the Student/Parent cancels the agreement within seven days of signing, UKG will refund the full service fee minus the £300 service management fee.
2.3. If the Student/Parent wishes to cancel the contract after seven days of signing, UKG will not issue any refund.
2.4. If the Student does not receive an offer from any school, UKG will continue to assist with applications until an offer is secured.
2.5. If the Student provides false information leading to non-admission, UKG reserves the right to terminate the service immediately, and the Student/Parent will not be entitled to any refund.
2.6. Bank transaction charges will be deducted from the refund amount if transferred to an overseas account.

3. UKG Services
3.1. Assistance with the application, management, and tracking of school/university applications, including UCAS applications.
3.2. Recommend suitable schools/universities to the Student/Parent and reach a consensus with the Student/Parent.
3.3. Fast-track application processing with designated staff tracking application progress and providing regular updates to the Student/Parent.
3.4. Based on admission requirements, consultants will provide advice on personal statements written by the Student. Additional fees apply for personal statement writing or essay services, except for G5KMEWStA and Medicine applications.
3.5. Assistance with arranging entrance exams or interviews, where applicable. For G5KMEWStA and Medicine applications, UKG provides interview training included in the service fee.
3.6. For G5KMEWStA and Medicine applications, UKG includes training for Oxbridge and G5 university entrance exams in the service fee.
3.7. Assistance with explaining offer letters, tuition fee payments, and admission terms and conditions.
3.8. Assistance with returning signed acceptance letters and deposit payments.
3.9. If applicable, arrange school/university visits or Open Days.
3.10. Provide advice on school/university preparations.
3.11. For G5KMEWStA and Medicine applications, UKG assists with arranging intensive English language courses targeting IELTS 6.5/7.5, with no component (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) below 6/6.5, in line with school/university entry requirements. Additional fees apply.
3.12. Assistance in arranging short-term internships, competitions, and supplementary courses. Additional fees apply.

4. Agreement Terms
4.1. The final list of schools/universities to be applied to will be confirmed by both UKG and the Student/Parent.
4.2. The Student/Parent authorizes UKG to act on their behalf to communicate with schools/universities.
4.3. The Student/Parent should cooperate with the arrangements for entrance exams and comply with school/university policies and regulations.
4.4. School/university deposits, tuition fees, and other fees must be paid within the specified timeframe. Late payments will be deemed as a withdrawal of the application, and UKG’s service will be considered complete without a refund.
4.5. UKG will not use the personal information provided by the Student/Parent for any purposes other than those necessary for the application guidance service.

5. Severability
If any part, paragraph, or any portion of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, that unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect the enforceability or validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement, and such unenforceable or invalid part shall be severed from the remainder of this Agreement.

6. Dispute Resolution
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement shall first be resolved through negotiation. If negotiations fail, the disputes shall be resolved in the courts of England under applicable English law.

7. Limitation of Liability: Indemnification Clause
Except as specifically provided herein, neither party shall be liable for any claims, losses, costs, expenses, injuries, or damages incurred by the other party arising from the activities related to this Agreement. Each party shall indemnify and hold the other harmless against any liability, claims, losses, costs, injuries, or damages arising from any act, negligence, default, or omission by the indemnifying party and shall discharge any judgment rendered against the indemnified party. Nothing herein is intended to relieve either party from liability for their own conduct.

8. Force Majeure
UKG shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to events beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, government actions, war, terrorism, fire, natural disasters, pandemics, labor stoppages, equipment failure, or other causes reasonably beyond its control.

9. Data Protection
9.1. UKGuardianship is fully committed to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Independent Commissioner’s Office (ICO). All personal data will be securely stored and handled appropriately, ensuring it is adequate, relevant, and kept no longer than necessary. Our full Privacy Policy can be found on our website.
9.2. Student information may be requested by schools, universities, host families, transport teams, or tutors if you have booked a service. By submitting the form, you confirm your consent to share your information. You may request a copy of this information from UKGuardianship. UKGuardianship will not share your details with any third parties without your prior consent.
9.3. Personal information of host families, transport teams, or tutors may be sent to you in advance. By submitting the form, you agree to store this information securely, never pass it on to third parties, and delete the data when no longer needed.

UKG reserves the right to make changes to its services and prices.



本合約由 UKGuardianship(以下稱「UKG」)與學生(以下稱「學生」)或其法定監護人(以下稱「家長」)簽訂,雙方目的是為達成已商定之私立中小學或大學申請輔導服務。因此,雙方達成以下協議:

1. 申請輔導流程
1.1. 第一階段:支付 £300 作為服務管理費,此為首次諮詢費用,諮詢時間為 45 分鐘至 1 小時。
1.2. 第二階段:支付餘款。
1.3. 第三階段:UKG 為客戶提供 5 -7 間學校或大學供選擇。學生最多可申請 3 所私立中小學或 5 所大學。最終的私立中小學或大學選擇需經學生/家長與 UKG 一致同意。
1.4. 第四階段:學生收到申請私立中小學或大學的任一錄取通知,即視為服務成功完成。
1.5. UKG 協助客戶獲取非條件式學校錄取通知、指導如何支付押金與學費、獲取簽證贊助信等手續。
1.6. 若有需要,學生可以委託UKG 辦理簽證、宿舍訂定、地接乃至於低齡學生之監護服務與手續。相關費用另計。

2. 費用
2.1. 餘款需於簽訂合約時一次付清。
2.2. 學生/家長在簽訂協議後七天內取消協議,UKG退還全額服務費,扣除 £300服務管理費。
2.3. 簽訂協議後七天後,若學生/家長欲取消合約,UKG不退還任何費用。
2.4. 如學生未獲任何學校之入學許可通知,UKG 將持續協助申請其他學校,直到成功協助學生獲得一所學校錄取通知。
2.5. 如因學生提供資料信息與事實有所出入,以致未被學校錄取,UKG將立刻終止服務,學生/家長無權獲得退款。
2.6. 如退款匯至海外帳戶,扣除銀行手續費。

3. UKG 服務
3.1. 協助申請、管理和追蹤學校/大學申請,包括 UCAS 申請。
3.2. 推薦適合的學校/大學給學生/家長,並與學生/家長達成共識。
3.3. 快速處理申請表,由指定人員跟進申請進度,並定期向學生/家長更新。
3.4. 根據入學要求,顧問將對學生撰寫的個人陳述提供建議。如學生選擇G5KMEWStA和Medicine以外方案,個人陳述撰寫、小論文將收取額外費用。
3.5. 如適用,協助安排學校/大學入學考試或面試。如學生選擇G5KMEWStA和Medicine方案,UKG給予面試培訓,此費用已內含在服務費中。
3.6. 如學生選擇G5KMEWStA和Medicine方案,UKG給予牛劍與G5高校入學考培訓,此費用已內含在服務費中。
3.7. 協助解釋錄取通知書、學費支付及入學條款。
3.8. 協助寄回已簽署的錄取確認信及押金支付。
3.9. 如適用,安排學校/大學訪問或開放日。
3.10. 提供入學學校/大學準備的建議。
3.11. 如學生選擇G5KMEWStA和Medicine方案,協助安排英語密集課程,目標為 IELTS 6.5/7.5,各部分(聽、說、讀、寫)不得低於 6 /6.5分,符合學校/大學的入學要求。此培訓費用另計。
3.12. 協助安排短期實習、競賽與加分課程。此培訓費用另計。

4. 協議條款
4.1. 最終的學校/大學申請名單將由 UKG 和學生/家長確認。
4.2. 學生/家長授權 UKG 代表其與學校/大學聯絡。
4.3. 學生/家長應配合入學考試安排並遵守學校/大學的政策和規定。
4.4. 學校/大學押金、學費及其他費用須於規定時間內支付。任何逾期支付將視為撤回申請。UKG服務被視為完成,服務費不予退還。
4.5. UKG 不會將學生/家長提供的個人信息用於學校申請服務以外的其他用途。

5. 可分割性

6. 爭議解決

7. 責任限制:賠償條款

8. 不可抗力
若因不可抗力事件,如天災、政府行為、戰爭、恐怖主義、火災、自然災害、傳染性疫情、勞工停止、設備故障或其他超出控制範圍的原因,導致 UKG 無法履行合約,UKG 不對因此無法履行或由此引起的任何損失負責。

9. 數據保護
9.1. UKGuardianship 完全遵守《通用數據保護條例》(GDPR)和獨立委員會辦公室(ICO)的要求。公司所有員工必須遵守 GDPR 和 ICO 的規定,妥善處理和儲存個人數據。個人信息將被安全保存,並確保信息充足、相關且適當處理,且不超過預期用途。我們的完整隱私政策可查閱於本處。
9.2. 為屢行服務,可能需要向學校、大學、寄宿家庭、交通團隊或培訓導師提供學生信息。提交以上表格即確認您同意我們傳遞您的信息。您可以向 UKGuardianship 索取此信息的副本。請注意,UKGuardianship 在未獲您事先同意的情況下,絕不會將您的資料提供給任何第三方。
9.3. 寄宿家庭、交通團隊或培訓導師的個人信息可能會提前發送給您。提交以上表格即確認您將妥善保存此信息,不會將任何資料轉交給第三方,並在不再需要時刪除數據。

UKG 保留更改其服務和價格的權利。

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