How to make British friends

guardian students talking

Making new friends is never easy, especially when you do not share the same language and the same culture. But do not worry, making British friends is not as difficult as you think. I am Chloe from France and I have recently moved to the UK to work at UKGuardianship. Before I arrived, I was worried about making new friends so I wrote a list of ways that I am going to try to make British friends and I would like to share it with you. If you have recently moved to the UK for work, school or university, I…


Can international students apply to universities in the UK if they are under 18?

uk guardianship students

The simple answer is yes, students under the age of 18 can apply to most universities in the UK providing they have the correct qualifications. However, if accepted onto a university course, there are a few restrictions to keep in mind:   Am I classed as an adult if I’m under 18? In the UK, anyone aged 18 or over is classed as an adult. Therefore, if you are under the age of 18 you will be seen as a minor, even if you are living in the UK alone and attending university.   Will I be treated differently at…


Top 10 Tips: how to improve your English

private tutor gcse alevel

Sophie is from Germany and has been studying English for many years. She has recently achieved an 8.5 in her academic IELTS exam! Below you will find her top 10 tips on how to improve your English – they have worked for her so hopefully they will work for you too.   1: Switch to English for everything. Switch all the movies you watch to English, switch your phone and PC to English, read books and newspapers in English. It’s the easiest way to passively learn the language.   2: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone must start somewhere…


iGCSE or Pre A-Level – which is better for me?

UK Guardianship

If you are thinking about taking A-Levels in the UK, you may be considering either iGCSEs or a Pre A-Level course in preparation. But what are the differences between the two and which would be better for you to take? We’ve done some research on both to help you make your decision.   What are iGCSEs? GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) are academic qualifications taken by most students in the UK at age 16. The iGCSEs are an international alternative to GCSEs and are recognised by most countries. They are highly exam based and graded on an 8-point scale…


Ask Susan: Is ranking important when choosing a UK boarding school?

UKG students

When searching for a good boarding school in the UK, it might be the intention of most people to judge a school by its school ranking on League Tables. But which factors are school rankings based on? And how important are they when choosing a UK boarding school?   Which factors are school rankings in the UK based on? Most secondary school rankings are based on A-level or GCSE results and/or the number of students that get into a highly ranked university afterwards.   What are the advantages of school rankings? Rankings seem like a good starting point if you…


University Guardian in the UK

day school students

If you are applying to study at a university in the UK but you will be under the age of 18 when you start, most universities will require you to have an appointed guardian based in the UK.   Why do I need a guardian? Although you may already feel like an adult, especially if you are applying to universities in another country, you are still classed as a ‘child’ under British law. Therefore, most universities ask for the details of an appointed guardian who will be responsible for the student and that they can contact in case of emergencies….


How to adapt to boarding school or university life in the UK

Educational guardianship students

Moving to a new country to study can be a very difficult experience. Having been through this myself, I know how hard it can be to adapt to a new life somewhere where you do not know anyone, don’t speak the language fluently and find some things about the new culture you’re trying to become a part of really odd. If you are struggling to settle into your new life in the UK, here are some useful tips I’ve learnt:   1. It’s okay not to be okay Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be happy all the…


Ask Susan: 5 top tips to kick-start your UK study journey

uk school guardianship

If this is your first time studying in the UK, you may get a shock in your first few weeks at your new school or university. Cultural differences can cause confusion and anxiety to some students as the way their UK school/university is run, the way students and teachers work and the expectations of students can vary a lot from what you are used to in your own country. Below are Susan’s 5 top tips to help you settle quickly into your new student life and thrive:   1. Change the way you learn. Be more proactive (ask questions; read…


How to use UCAS Adjustment

Were your A-Level results better than you expected? If you’ve met and exceeded the conditions of your conditional firm choice, you can try to find another place, without losing your original offer. This process is called Adjustment.   What is UCAS Adjustment? UCAS Adjustment is less well known than UCAS Clearing. Unlike Clearing that helps students whose exam results were not as good as they expected to secure a place at a university, Adjustment by contrast accommodates students who exceed their predicated grades by offering them an opportunity to reconsider their choice of course or university.   Can I use…


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